Usajili PSPTB Procurement and Supplies Professionals and Technicians Board (PSPTB) established in 2007 by Parliamentary Act No. 23 is the successor of both the National Board for Materials Management (NBMM) founded in 1981 by Parliamentary Act No.9, and Materials Management Caretaker Committee (MMCC). MMCC founded in 1978 laid down foundation for professionalism which later gave rise to the birth of NBMM.
Usajili PSPTB
- Excellence in Procurement and Supply Chain Practices
- Our Mission is ‘To oversee the development of Procurement and Supply Practices by Regulating the profession and conduct of professionals in order to achieve best value for money in Procurement and Supply Chain Management.
Core Values (IPIAI)
In executing our mandate, we uphold the following values:-
- I. Integrity: We are honest, ethical and transparent in serving our customers
- II. Professionalism: We competently provide quality and reliable services to develop greater efficiencies in our work to the public
- III. Impartiality: We behave in the best interests of the public by making fair and objective decisions
- IV. Accountability: We are answerable and liable for our conducts .
- V. Innovation: We embrace ideas that drive learning and positive changes which add value and improve our service delivery
Under the provisions of section III of Act No. 23 of 2007, a person shall be recognized with the right to practice as a Procurement and Supply specialist or technician if the person is duly registered under the Act.
According to Law No. 23 of 2007, the Board has a register as follows: –
- Sign up for Purchasing and Supply Specialists
- People who are eligible to be registered as a procurement and equipment specialist must be a person who is the owner of CSP, CPSP, CIPS, degree, higher diploma or other related award.
Register for a Procurement and Supply Chain specialist
People who are eligible to be enrolled in the technical procurement and equipment must be a person who is the owner of Professional I or II, diploma or certificate or other related award.
Registration procedure
A person who wishes to obtain registration under the PSPTB Act, shall submit an application in a form to the Executive Director enclosing:-
- copy of documents or copies of certificates for the professional qualifications of the applicant.
- application fee as directed.
- Other documents as directed by the Board.
- Professional Development (CPD)
- This is part of the membership requirements.
This activity aims to give members the ability to develop themselves with the latest developments in the profession and needs in this sector. Knowledge and skills are important for professionals when they are provided in fields where professionals from different sectors share their experiences. Each professional member is required to have at least 40 hours of CPD per year