Pre-qualification of Suppliers, Contractors and other Service Providers at Amref March 2024, Jobs Tender No: AMREF/2024/PQ/02 for Pre-qualification of Suppliers, Contractors and other Service Providers
- Amref Health Africa Tanzania has set aside funds towards the cost of supplying various Goods, work s and other services and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of these funds towards payments under the respective contracts.
- Amref Health Africa Tanzania now intends to pre-qualify interested companies for the provision and supply of various Goods, Works and Services for a period of Two (2) years.
3. Pre-qualification will be conducted through the procedures specified in the Amref Procurement Manual of April, 2021 and is open to all reputable companies specialized or dealing with the specific below lots.Lot NumberDescription of ProcurementDeadline for submissionLot No. 1Supply of various Office Stationeries and consumables for Computers, Copiers, printers and Faxes11th March at 11.00 hrs. local timeLot No. 2Supply and Printing of Book and lECās materials (brochures, booklets, posters, flyers and Leaflets)itLot No. 3Supply and printing of various promotional materials T-shirts, Caps, wheel Covers and Banners).itLot No. 4Provision of Service and Maintenance of Motor vehiclesitLot No. 5Provision of Hotel accommodation and Conference facilitiesitLot No. 6Provision of catering services (Tea/Coffee and Lunch)itLot No. 7Supply of Hospital, Laboratory equipment and ConsumablesitLot No. 8Supply of Pharmacies and medicinesuLot No. 9Supply of various Office sundries(Tea, Coffee, Sugar, milk etc).12th March at 11.00 hrs. local timeLot No.10Supply of Office Equipment, Furnitureās and FittingsuLot No. 11Supply, support and maintenance of reliable internet connectivityuLot No.12Supply and Service of ICT Equipment (Desktop Computers, laptops, UPS, Printers, Photocopiers, Scanners, LCD Projectors and other Peripherals.uLot No.13Provision of Security services to our officesuLot No.14Provision of Clearing and Forwarding servicesuLot No.15Provision of auction servicesuLot No.16Electrical, Repair and Maintenance WorksULot No.17Service and Maintenance of air conditioners13th March at 11.00 hrs. local timeLot No.18Provision of Car hire/Rental ServicesitLot no. 19Supply of Drinking water (20lts bottle)itLot No. 20Supply of tires, tubes and vehicle batteriesitLot No. 21Provision of Courier Services (local/lnternational)itLot No. 22Provision of General Cleaning ServicesitLot No. 23Building works and Repairs (Contractors Class VI only)itLot No. 24Provision of Booth Exhibition Setup and Venue Decorations SetupuLot No. 25Production of project Documentaries (audio-visual)it |
- Interested applicants may obtain further information from and inspect the pre-qualification documents at Amref Health Africa Tanzania, Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, P.O. Box 2773, Dar es Salaam from 09.00hrs to lA.OOhrs Monday to Fridays inclusive except on public holidays.
- A complete set of pre-qualification documents in English may be purchased by interested applicants upon payment of a non-refundable fee of 100,000.00 (One Hundred Thousand Only). The method of payment is cash payable to our Account name: Amref Health Africa, account number: 011103000446 Bank name- National Bank of Commerce (NBC).
- All applications in one original plus a copy, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes marked [ Tender No. AmrefZ202A/PQ/02 for Prequalification of Goods, works and other services indicating the specific Lot number applying for], must be delivered to the address [The secretary, Amref Health Africa Tanzania. Ali Hassan Mwinyi Road, P.O. Box 2773, Dar es Salaam]. Note: For multiple lots application, please submit a separate application envelope for each lot for easier sorting and evaluation process.
- The deadline for submission of applications is at 11.00 hrs local time on Monday 11thĀ March, 2024 for Lot No. 1 to 08, Tuesday 12thĀ March 2024 for Lot No. 09 to 16 and Wednesday 13thĀ March 2024 for Lot 17 to 25. Pre-qualification of Suppliers, Contractors and other Service Providers at Amref March 2024
Pre-qualifications will be opened promptly thereafter at the Amref Health Africa Tanzania offices.
- Late application (s), electronic applications, and applications not received, not opened at the opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
Country Director,
Amref Health Africa Tanzania,
P.O. Box 2773, Dar es Salaam.
Tel:+255 22 2116610/2131981/2136731
Fax: +255 22 2115823
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