Zonal Manager at East Africa Fruits Ltd January 2024 Zonal Manager at EA Foods Limited Dar es Salaam EA Foods…
Zuku FIBER Vacancy February 2024, Jobs in Tanzania Zuku is a homegrown East African brand under Wananchi Group, established with the…
Publisher Manager Jobs at Caliber First Group Limited, is a group of companies that deals in Construction, Media and Events,…
Procurement and Warehouse Assistant Jobs at Hester Biosciences Africa Ltd is situated in Kibaha Tamco Industrial estate doing manufacturing of…
Welcome to our website tzcareers.com Find all useful information about Keda Gf (T) Ceramics Co Ltd profile details, jobs, nafasi za kazi…
 IT Technician Jobs at Eminence Consulting Tanzania Limited registered under the government (BRELA) No. 67186 was established in 2008 to…
Procurement Officer Jobs at The Zanzibar Presidential Delivery Bureau (PDB) is an institution under the President’s Office – State House…
Jobs at The Zanzibar Presidential Delivery Bureau (PDB)Deadline of this Job Sunday, August 13 2023 Duty Station Within Tanzania , Zanzibar, East Africa Data Analyst jobs at…
4 Various Job Vacancies at Lodhia Industries  is one of the leading and fastest growing steel & plastic manufacturers in Tanzania and is currently operating…
Enumerators (35) Job Vacancies at Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is a private, non-denominational, international development agency promoting creative and effective…
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