Various Services Tender job at Mbeya Cement Company Limited (Mccl) 2023
Expression of Interest for Provision of Various Services
MBEYA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED (MCCL) is a subsidiary of the Holcim Group with its industrial operations located at Plot 1/1, Tanzam highway, Songwe Industrial Area, MBEYA.
MCCL is proud to offer an exciting opportunity for experienced and suitably qualified service providers to provide various services for the company. MCCL invites all interested companies to participate in expression of interest for provision of various services to the company as per below list of Lots.

Interested companies that meet the minimum requirements and have the capacity to undertake any of the above-mentioned Lots, should express their interest by sending together with all documents requested to the email address on 11th April 2023 before 13:00 hours East African Time (EAT).
Subject of the email while sending email should be EXPRESSION OF INTEREST – LOT NO (indicate lot number that you have shown interest)
Companies satisfactorily meeting the above minimum requirements will receive a detailed pre-qualification questionnaire for further evaluation by Company.
Note: Only shortlisted companies/contractors shall receive invitation to tender through email.