Tume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama Application Form – In This job Advertisement about 139 Job Vacancies Tume Ya UTUMISHI Wa Mahakama. new job opportunities at Tume Ya UTUMISHI WaMahakama, nafasi za kazi Tume YaUTUMISHI Wa Mahakama, ajira mpya Tume Ya UTUMISHI Wa Mahakama, ajira TumeYa UTUMISHIWa Mahakama Below are the application form:-
Tume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama Application Form

Tume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama – Job Application

Tume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama – Ajira Online Application Form: How To Apply
How to apply for a job
- The applicant should create account in the JSC Ajira Online Application Form
- Applicant should read and understand the advertisement before applying for the job.
- Applicant should indicate title of the position he/she is applying in cover letter
- Applicant should remember to attach all necessary documents (academics certificates).
- Submit your online application form and you will be notified on your successful or failure of your application
Tume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama Ajira Portal: General Conditions
How to LoginTume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama Application Portal
Sig in to your account
- Password
- Enter your password
General Condition for Applicants
i. All applicants must be Citizens of Tanzania and not above 45 years old, however, should also observe the age limit for each position where indicated.
ii. Applicants must attach an up-to-date current Curriculum Vitae (CV) having reliable contact, postal address, e-mail and telephone numbers.
iii. Applicants should apply on the strength of the information given in the advertisement.
iv.The title of the position and institution applied for should be written in the subject of the application letter; short of which will make the application invalid.
v. Applicants must attach their detailed relevant certified copies of Academic certificates (PDF format)
– Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma/Certificates.
– Postgraduate/Degree/Advanced Diploma/Diploma transcripts.
– Form IV and Form VI National Examination Certificates.
– Computer Certificate
– Professional certificates from respective boards
– Birth certificate.
– One recent passport size picture .
vii. Testimonials, Partial transcripts and results slips will NOT be accepted.
viii. Presentation of forged academic certificates and other information in the CV will necessitate to legal action
ix. Applicants for entry levels currently employed in the Public Service should not apply.
x. Applicants who have/were retired from the Public Service for whatever reason should not apply.
xi. Applicants should indicate three reputable referees with their reliable contacts.
xii. Certificates from foreign examination bodies for ordinary or advanced level education should be certified by The National Examination Council of Tanzania (NECTA)
xiii. Certificates from foreign Universities should be verified by The Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU)
xiv. Applicants with special needs/case (disability) are supposed to indicate
xv Application letters should be written in English or Swahili
Nafasi za kazi 139 Tume Ya Utumishi Wa Mahakama – APPLY
1 | MWANDISHI MWENDESHA OFISI DARAJA II (KATIBU MAHSUSI) | Nafasi 11 | Mahakama ya Tanzania | 2023-05-25 | Apply |
2 | MSAIDIZI WA OFISI | Nafasi 61 | Mahakama ya Tanzania | 2023-05-25 | Apply |
3 | MLINZI | Nafasi 63 | Mahakama ya Tanzania | 2023-05-25 | Apply |
4 | MKUTUBI DARAJA II | Nafasi 4 | Mahakama ya Tanzania | 2023-05-25 | Apply |
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