The post-HESLB appeared first on HESLB Kozi zenye kipaumbele Kupata Mkopo 2023/24 The Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB) is a body corporate established under Act No.9 of 2004 (as amended in 2007, 2014 and 2016) with the objective of assisting needy and eligible Tanzania students to access loans and grants for higher education.
After establishing applicant’s guidelines and meeting requirements under sections 3.1 and 3.2 above, the following programme clusters will be used to determine the loans to be issued in priority order subject to availability of funds.
What Courses has higher priority in Getting a heslb loan 2023? They are divided into three clusters as follows below:-
Courses under this cluster include: –
- Education and Teaching in Science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics
- Health Sciences (Doctor of Medicine, Dental Surgery, Veterinary Medicine,
- Pharmacy, Nursing, Midwifery, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Physiotherapy,
- Biotechnology and Laboratory sciences, Radiotherapy Technology);
- Engineering Programmes (Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Mining, Mineral and
- Processing, Textile, Chemical and Processing, Agriculture,
- Food and Processing, Automobile, Industrial, Maritime Transportation, Marine
- Technology, Electronics and Telecommunication, and Bio-
- Processing and Post-Harvest), Water and Irrigation, Petroleum and Gas, and electrical, Bachelor Degree in Aircraft and Maintenance Engineering, Bachelor
- Degree in Pilot Engineering and Bachelor of Bio-medical
engineering Programme. - Petroleum Geology, Petroleum Chemistry
Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Sciences and Production Management
READ THIS: Kozi Nzuri za Kusoma Chuo Kikuu 2023/24 Academic Year HESLB Loan Application 2023/24 Academic Year HESLB Loan Application window Starting Date 2023/24
Courses under this cluster include:
- Basic Science Programmes (BSc General, BSc in/with Applied Zoology,
- Botanical, Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Microbiology, Molecular
- Biology and Biotechnology, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Aquatic Environmental
- Sciences and Conservation, Geology, Mathematics and
- Statistics, Environmental Sciences, Environmental Health, Wildlife and Conservation), ICT Legal and ICT and Programming, Information Systems and
- Network Management, Environmental, Urban Development and Industrial Metrology.
- Land Science Programmes (Architecture, Landscape and Architecture, Interior Design, Building Survey, Building Economics, Urban and Regional Planning, Land Management and Valuation, and Geospatial Technology).
Courses under this cluster include Business and Management Studies, Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities, Law and Legal Studies, Languages, Literature, Media and Communications Studies.
NOTE: All other courses not listed in either of the clusters, will fall under Cluster III
The main mandates of HESLB include:
To assist, on a loan basis, needy students who secure admission in accredited higher learning institutions, but who have no economic power to pay for the costs of their education
To collect due loans from loan beneficiaries and use it as revolving fund to sustain operations of the Board
To create synergies through establishing strategic partnerships in student financing ecosystem
HESLB Kozi zenye kipaumbele Kupata Mkopo 2023/24
HESLB executes one of the key mandates in administering loans to students pursuing higher education. Every year, the Board prepares the Loan Application almanac to guide on the process of loan issuance to needy and eligible students. As per the almanac, Loan Application Window opens once annually. Both undergraduate and postgraduate students who are eligible are invited to apply.
Criteria on eligibility and the application process is stipulated in the Loan Application Guideline for the respective year which can be downloaded on this site. Prospective applicants are encouraged to read the guidelines carefully, prepare the prerequisites and make their application online through the Online Application and Management System (OLAMS). The loan application process is denoted as below:

Heslb Loan Repayment
The Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB) is tasked by its establishing Act, under Section 7(i) to recover all the due loans extended for former students since July 1994 so that the same money can be used to lend other students, thus rendering the loans scheme sustainable and ensuring a revolving fund.
1. Submit list of graduate employees with diploma or degree within 28 days from the date on which such person is employed. Use the format below:
S/N | Check Number/ PF. Number | Full Name as used during study | Form Four Index Number With Year of completion (o-level) | Mobile Number | Current Name (If changed) | University/College attended | Year of completion (University) | Academic Award |
i) | ||||||||
- Effect 15% deductions from basic salary for billed beneficiaries in payroll
- Obtain from HESLB the employer control number and effect the monthly remittances through GePG
- Submit the proof of payment and deduction schedules to HESLB before 15th date of the subsequent month
Employed beneficiary:
- Inform your employer on your student loan and submit required details
- Track your loan repayment status to completion
- Request for loan clearance from HESLB
Self-employed beneficiary and diaspora:
1. Request for your loan statement
2. Use the control number indicated in your statement to make payment
3. Repay atleast TZS. 100,000 every month to furnish your loan
4. Track your loan repayment status to completion
5. Request for loan clearance from HESLB
1. All payments are done through GePG by using control number
2. The control number remains unchanged
3. Request for clearance from HESLB upon completion of your loan