Zonal Manager at East Africa Fruits Ltd January 2024 Zonal Manager at EA Foods Limited Dar es Salaam EA Foods…
Zuku FIBER Vacancy February 2024, Jobs in Tanzania Zuku is a homegrown East African brand under Wananchi Group, established with the…
The coffee shop near me;- is Flywheel Coffee Roasters, The Mill, and Rise & Grind Coffee and Tea. These three…
16 Job Opportunities at e-Government Authority (eGa) 2023;- e-GA is a succeeding institution to e-Government Agency which was a semi-autonomous…
6 Job Opportunities at Toyota Tanzania Limited 2023;- Toyota Tanzania Ltd is the flagship brand of the Karimjee Jivanjee Group, and…
Lindsay Lohan, Age, Movies list, Net Worth , Children, Husband Lindsay Lohan, Age, Movies list, Net Worth , Children, Husband…
Kuitwa Kwenye Usaili Mzumbe - Call For Interview Mzumbe 2023;- Mzumbe University was established by the Mzumbe University Charter, 2007…
Wash Project Manager job at Norwegian Refugee Council 2023;- We are looking for people who are passionate about helping refugees…
Administrative Assistant in Ruvuma job at FHI 360;- as we know FHI 360 is a nonprofit human development organization based…
4 Job at Ludewa District 20223;- As we said before we always work hard to make sure that you don’t…
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