To continue to guarantee quality general healthcare for the population of the area and to promote access to healthcare for those in need, we are committed to improving and expanding our facility. Here are the most recent projects.
Nafasi za kazi Consolata Hospital Ikonda

Ajira Consolata Ikonda Hospital has always been committed to providing the best health services, giving everyone the opportunity to use the service at low cost.
the hospital’s mission is to continue to guarantee quality general healthcare for the population of the area and to promote access to healthcare for the needy, with particular attention to children, women and people with chronic diseases .
Sifa Consolata Ikonda Hospital

Jinsi Ya Kutuma Maombi Consolata Ikonda Hospital

- Consolata Ikonda Hospital
PO Box 700
Njombe, Tanzania - Call Us: +255 752 411611
- e-mail:
Ajira Mpya Consolata Hospitali Ikonda
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