In This Article, are you looking for NACTVET Central Admission System (CAS) Online Admission Application for Admission to Certificate and Diploma programs in Health and Allied Sciences for the academic year 2023/2024.
NACTVET Central Admission System (CAS) Online Admission
Application for Admission to Certificate and Diploma programs in Health and Allied Sciences for the academic year 2023/2024. The first round application deadline is:- The deadline is June 30, 2023.
- In due course of application, you must have a VALID working email address; and mobile phone number.
- Kindly select your most preferred Programme according to your qualifications.
- You can select up to 12 institutions/programmes.
- The Application Fees is Tshs.10,000/= per institution and maximum of Tshs.30,000/= for the rest of the choices (Non-refundable).
- You will be issued a Control Number for the payment of the Application Fees.
- The payment can be made through Mobile Money services or Bank.
- Kindly read the Students Admission Guidebook for your Programme of interest’s specific
entry qualifications/requirements before making any choice.
To proceed with Registration and Application:
- If this is your first time click here to start your application.
- If you are already registered please click here
For more information NACTVET Central Admission System (CAS) visit official website
For more information NACTVET Admission 2023/2024 Application visit official website link TAARIFA KWA UMMA KUHUSU KUFUNGULIWA KWA DIRISHA LA UDAHILI KWA MWAKA WA MASOMO 2023/2024
For any inquiry please call NACTVET from 09:00 to 15:30 working days on Headquarters (Dar es salaam) – 0738 253421 or write to
Zonal Contacts: Southern (Mtwara) – 0735376020/0735720198, Northern (Arusha) – 0735373223, Western (Tabora) – 0262604533/0737796142/0736730073, Central (Dodoma) – 0262323121,
Lake (Mwanza) – 028 2981232/0737929298/0736444562/0739313602, Zanzibar – +255 242 233043/0733435208/0736444566, Southern Highland (Mbeya) – 0737587575/0737928892
I need to remove or withdraw from the college I applied for so that I can change to another one, what should I do or the cost is the same or the cost has already been deducted
Answer: There will be no additional cost for changing your options and you can change your options at any time of admission until the last day. For More visit NACTVET FAQ PAGE HERE