Project Category:Â Fish Market Assessment Project
Project Location:Â Mwanza,Bukoba and Dodoma.
About Data Collection Jobs
Data Collection Jobs, Africa Insight Advisors (Aia) Is A Tanzania And Kenya Based Boutique Consulting And Investment Advisory Firm That Works To Provide Compelling Solutions To Clients Working Across Africa.
Across so many industries and areas, Africa is booming. Africa’s unmatched returns, growth, and opportunities are the impetus for an increasing number of foreign companies to enter this last frontier market, and for already operational companies to focus on scaling.Data Collection Jobs
It is easy to get excited about macro statistics, however, success in Africa is grounded in the micro-level understanding of the nuances of the market, tailoring your product or service to the realities on the ground, and taking a comprehensive view of the factors at play.Data Collection Jobs
You can’t Google your answers here.
At AIA we match our clients’ needs with our local understanding to provide them with the insights, analysis, connections, and operational ability to be successful. We are the private sector partner of choice for multinationals, start-ups, local corporations, and international investors that want to build companies for the long term.Data Collection Jobs
With a diverse set of experiences cutting across many countries, sectors, and projects, we treat each engagement as the unique project it is, taking the time to understand our client’s current status, capabilities, and goals, and tailoring our work accordingly.
We walk with our clients, often engaging over longer periods and across phases- from concept to structuring to implementation.
Simply put, we help build thriving businesses that are set to capitalize on the African growth story.
Qualifications for Data Collection Jobs
- At least Diploma in Economics , Business Management or Other related fields