Dodoma Regional Hospital is located in Mainland Tanzania within the Dodoma Municipality. It was established in the 1930s before World War II, as a health camp that provided World War I medical services. Dodoma Regional Hospital with 420 beds has 35 external and internal departments including a special clinic. On average 400 people are served as outpatients per day in this department. The length of hospital stay is between 3 days and around 5214 operations are performed per year. The number of services is between 35 and 40 per day and the operation rate of parents is 23%. Nafasi za kazi 32 kutoka Dodoma RRH Hospital ya Rufaa
32 Various Vacancies at Dodoma Regional Hospital
Nafasi za kazi Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital operates as a Referral Center for the District Hospitals of Kondoa, Kogwa, Mpwapwa and Chamwino and other districts of Kiteto (Manyara Region), Manyoni (Singinda Region) and Gairo (Morogoro Region). It is also used as a Hospital Center for Bahi District as the district does not have any hospital. At any time it serves those who receive it directly from home.
Ajira Mpya Hospitali ya Rufaa Dodoma The hospital is under the Ministry of Health and is managed by the Regional Referral Hospital Management Team led by the Chief Medical Officer and coordinated by the Administration, clinical services and support services.
Katika Nafasi 32 za Ajira kutoka Hospital ya Rufaa
The areas surrounding Dodoma Regional Hospital are seven districts and city councils, which are Bahi, Dodoma city, Kongwa, Mpwapwa, Kondoa, Chemba and Kondoa council. Dodoma Region has a population of over 2 million people. Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital as a second level hospital serves as a level 1 referral hospital for the Dodoma district council and the districts of Morogoro Region, Manyara Region and Manyoni District hospitals.
- 0262323045
- +255738100120
The General Practitioner of Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital announces Tanzanians with qualifications and interest to work in the Dodoma Regional Referral Hospital for a voluntary contract for various cadres as outlined below.
Nafasi za kazi Hospitali ya Rufaa DODOMA
32 Various Vacancies at Dodoma Regional Hospital DOWNLOAD PDF FILE HERE